CranioSacral Therapy is done by placing my hands in certain positions on your body with a very light touch to allow your body’s natural healing response. CST engages the fascial tissue and other soft tissue in your body to release tension, stress, and pain. It can reduce or eliminate pain due to trauma, whether emotional or physical. CST can be used together with massage, Quantum Touch and energy balancing. I have used this therapy for clients with dizziness, sciatic pain, chronic migraines, and many other body ailments as well as some emotional ones. I have seen wonderful results in my clients with this therapy and they have noticed a significant change to their body immediately after the first treatment. With more consistent treatment most clients have had no further physical pain, and in other cases, a better emotional balance for their body has allowed them more enjoyment in their everyday lives.
CST rates: 30 minutes $60.00 / 60 minutes $90.00 / 90 minutes $120.00